I hope everyone had a great Spring Break and that you all were able to recharge! Just wanted to share an update with you... Cobb County School District is now giving students two options for instruction and grading. Option 1: Students can keep their current grade that is in the Gradebook. Whatever grade that you had on March 13th, you can just keep and stop instruction. Option 2: Continue instruction in an effort to increase your current grade. I personally want to encourage all my students to continue with instruction. This is a great opportunity to boost your grade, boost your GPA and continue gaining great content. Let's not forget how important a high GPA is for getting accepted into college and continuing education. Nevertheless, I will continue to be here for each of you. I upload assignments every Sunday night. All assignments are due the following Friday by midnight. At anytime, if you have a question, comment or concern, simply email me (Kristenthigpen@gmail.com) ...